FarmVille Champ strategy guide was created by the writer of the number one selling FarmVille Secrets strategy guide. Now FarmVille Champ strategy guide is better than ever taking this game to a level basically unheard of before. Having a ton of cash to create a mind blowing farm, having more neighbors than you will know what to do with and have the power to do what you want whenever you want with the help of FarmVille Champ. This article will cover the FarmVille Champ strategy guide
No more spending endless hours searching for so called FarmVille cheats that do not exist and cause more problems than solutions. Learn the system that has been proven by FarmVille experts who own the top real estate over on Facebook. FarmVille Champ is the guide to anyone who wants to take the game to the very highest level where creativity rules and money is no longer an option
Imagine being able to purchase all of the special options and decorations for you have so much FarmVille cash money is no longer an option. FarmVille Champ will show you how to get to the very top of the game in a fraction of the time it would typically take. This strategy guide is created for those who want to dominate the FarmVille empire in a fast and extremely manner. If you are a die hard FarmVille player than you need to purchase a FarmVille Champ Strategy Guide
Everyone knows how difficult it can be to earn FarmVille cash and they know without a impressive bank account their farm will never reach the elite level. See the farms that have been pictured on this site all of them were created with the help of FarmVille Champ. My favorite part of FarmVille now is that my creativity can run wild and no matter what I want I get for I have money spewing out of my FarmVille camp. Simply stated without FarmVille Champ Strategy Guide my farm would look like the millions of others out there but not any more.
FarmVille Champ Strategy Guide by its lonesome is the best gaming tool that you can purchase it but the creators of FarmVille Champ have decide to open the vault and include additional bonuses that every FarmVille player has been dreaming of
Bonus 1 - Underground FarmVille Stats
This detailed, color-coded, at-a-glance program tells you...
Which crops grow the fastest, yield the most and have the most experience points...
How much profit or experience points you'll gain for each size of plot...
Easy to understand expert analysis of crop times, profit and experience...
Bonus 2 - Free Farmville Cash!
Think earning Farm Cash is a slow and painful task? Think again.
It doesn't matter what level you're at, you can use this tactic to amass as much Farmville cash as you desire.
I gotta be honest. I never thought I'd let this secret out. I've made way too much money (580 Farm Cash in the last 3 days alone!) and done it way too easily to ever let others in on my plan.
But members of my inner circle reminded me no matter how many people jump on this idea... it can never lose its potency.
So here you go, my ultimate secret to getting Farmville cash on tap.
Bonus 3 - Farmville Champ Bonus Tips!
With these top bonus tips, you'll learn how to start off with a bang! Have your friends wonder how you shot up in a short period in time, leveling up several levels a day! Also, find out how you can give and receive plenty of gifts, every day, every time!
Top Secret Farmville Champ Videos!
With my freakishly expensive screen-capture equipment, I have created these visual masterpieces for you. Now you can watch LIVE as I explain the precise formula to becoming a crop growing overlord.
Your friends and neighbors will stare in disbelief as you grow and sell crops at exactly the right time for thick wads of cash.
Give yourself the edge with this unlimited all access bumper video set...
As you can see the FarmVille Champ Strategy Guide provides absolutely everything that you need to completely dominate this farming community over on Facebook. The question is do you want to continue making the same mistakes that 99% of FarmVille players make? Do you want to spend endless hours searching for the FarmVille cheat that does not exist or use a FarmVille trainer which is an accident waiting to happen? Do you want to play FarmVille the way it was designed and reap the benefits and rewards by playing the perfect game. The answer continues to be FarmVille Champ Strategy Guide
My FarmVille Cheats presents you with all sorts of FarmVille Cheats, Strategies, Hacks and Techniques to bring your FarmVille Farm to the next level
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Facebook, Zynga: We get along! Pinky swear!
The mood over at Farmville is less "Animal Farm" and more "Charlotte's Web"--or that's what the big tech companies involved would like us all to think.
In what may be the culmination of one of the past year's silliest Silicon Valley high-stakes playground games--or, perhaps more appropriately, barnyard games--social gaming giant Zynga and social network Facebook have put out a press release to announce that they are not, in fact, feuding. Actually, they've reached an agreement! For five whole years! In the name of all that is good and right in the world, I really hope people aren't as fanatically obsessed with Farmville and Mafia Wars in five years!
So here are the specifics, if you can call them specifics: "Facebook and Zynga announced today that they have entered into a five-year strategic relationship that increases their shared commitment to social gaming on Facebook and expands use of Facebook Credits in Zynga's games. The agreement provides a solid foundation for both companies to continue to work together to provide millions of people with a compelling user experience for social games."
No terms of the deal were disclosed, but this is an announcement weighted with backstory and backstabbing. Facebook, obviously, is huge, and one of the reasons that Facebook is so huge is that its developer platform gave people all sorts of new reasons to join and spend time there. One of the biggest companies to emerge on Facebook's platform was Zynga, which now has around 230 million monthly active users (Facebook has about 400 million).
But Facebook has repeatedly made changes to its developer platform that arguably haven't been in the best interest of companies like Zynga, the most recent of which is its Facebook Credits virtual currency. Downplayed in Facebook's last slew of developer-related announcements, Credits take a 30 percent cut of transaction revenues, and while they haven't been mandatory for app developers thus far (they haven't even launched in full) rumor has it that they will be.
Earlier this month, reports started to surface in TechCrunch that Zynga was so fed up that it was going to launch its own game network, called "Zynga Live," potentially preparing for a move off of Facebook altogether if it was forced to cough up the 30 percent cut of revenues. So if that happened, Facebook could start losing traffic from foaming-at-the-mouth Farmville players (Is the first item you receive a virtual raccoon? Does he bite you?) who spend hours on the site to tend to their "crops." Zynga would be fighting an uphill battle to replicate the expertly crafted social-networking channels that have made Facebook such an ideal platform for social games.
Plus, there is heaps of money at stake: Facebook's once-tepid revenues have been boosted by advertising dollars from companies like Zynga that want to increase their user base and advertise their Facebook presence. Zynga more or less mints money right now, thanks in part to the fact that people will actually pay for virtual tractors, or at least fill out offers and surveys in order to do so. Botching their relationship could be a big hit to either or both companies.
Tuesday's announcement gives some new insight into what must have been happening. There was something that smelled very strategic about the "sources close to the matter" whispering dirt to the press regarding Zynga's dissatisfaction with Facebook and hence making the boardroom disagreements public. But the official word is that everything's totally fine, and that the liaisons between the two companies should, in fact, be classified as a "long-term relationship."
I guess we've got five years to see which company wears the (virtual) pants in this one.
Original Article Link
In what may be the culmination of one of the past year's silliest Silicon Valley high-stakes playground games--or, perhaps more appropriately, barnyard games--social gaming giant Zynga and social network Facebook have put out a press release to announce that they are not, in fact, feuding. Actually, they've reached an agreement! For five whole years! In the name of all that is good and right in the world, I really hope people aren't as fanatically obsessed with Farmville and Mafia Wars in five years!
So here are the specifics, if you can call them specifics: "Facebook and Zynga announced today that they have entered into a five-year strategic relationship that increases their shared commitment to social gaming on Facebook and expands use of Facebook Credits in Zynga's games. The agreement provides a solid foundation for both companies to continue to work together to provide millions of people with a compelling user experience for social games."
No terms of the deal were disclosed, but this is an announcement weighted with backstory and backstabbing. Facebook, obviously, is huge, and one of the reasons that Facebook is so huge is that its developer platform gave people all sorts of new reasons to join and spend time there. One of the biggest companies to emerge on Facebook's platform was Zynga, which now has around 230 million monthly active users (Facebook has about 400 million).
But Facebook has repeatedly made changes to its developer platform that arguably haven't been in the best interest of companies like Zynga, the most recent of which is its Facebook Credits virtual currency. Downplayed in Facebook's last slew of developer-related announcements, Credits take a 30 percent cut of transaction revenues, and while they haven't been mandatory for app developers thus far (they haven't even launched in full) rumor has it that they will be.
Earlier this month, reports started to surface in TechCrunch that Zynga was so fed up that it was going to launch its own game network, called "Zynga Live," potentially preparing for a move off of Facebook altogether if it was forced to cough up the 30 percent cut of revenues. So if that happened, Facebook could start losing traffic from foaming-at-the-mouth Farmville players (Is the first item you receive a virtual raccoon? Does he bite you?) who spend hours on the site to tend to their "crops." Zynga would be fighting an uphill battle to replicate the expertly crafted social-networking channels that have made Facebook such an ideal platform for social games.
Plus, there is heaps of money at stake: Facebook's once-tepid revenues have been boosted by advertising dollars from companies like Zynga that want to increase their user base and advertise their Facebook presence. Zynga more or less mints money right now, thanks in part to the fact that people will actually pay for virtual tractors, or at least fill out offers and surveys in order to do so. Botching their relationship could be a big hit to either or both companies.
Tuesday's announcement gives some new insight into what must have been happening. There was something that smelled very strategic about the "sources close to the matter" whispering dirt to the press regarding Zynga's dissatisfaction with Facebook and hence making the boardroom disagreements public. But the official word is that everything's totally fine, and that the liaisons between the two companies should, in fact, be classified as a "long-term relationship."
I guess we've got five years to see which company wears the (virtual) pants in this one.
Original Article Link
Friday, May 14, 2010
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Cafe World Strategy Guide
There is another guide out for those social networking games. I just saw it on the forums for Café World last week and while at first I scoffed with everyone else (it’s a favorite pastime on the Zynga forums to scoff at the guides), I quickly found that the guide was actually a lot more useful than we were giving it credit for.
When I Checked it Out
I wasn’t going to check the guide out. But, then I started to ask around and heard a few good things about how it had been helping players start to build their cafes up from nothing into relatively high efficiency restaurants – something that I had repeatedly failed to do with my own café.
After a day or two of waffling, I gave in and checked the guide out and boy am I ever glad I did. To be frank, the guide really does everything it claims to do – something I’ve never seen a guide do before. From start to finish, the Café World guide (which is the first of its kind that I’m aware of) shows players how to dig down and learn how to be one of the best players in the game.

It shows you how to pick your foods, how to develop a strategy for leveling that doesn’t waste any time, how to get new neighbors and how to get things done without ever needing to spend real world cash on the in-game money or having to fill out countless surveys to get it done.
In short, the Café World guide is a big giant blueprint that shows players how to go from level 1 to the top of the game in a streamlined path. It doesn’t give you step by step directions like other game guides because that’s not how these games work. Rather, it shows you how to cater your play style to your own schedule and do well with the time you have to invest.
When you can do that, even a part time player can be a top ranked Chef. Check it out now
When I Checked it Out
I wasn’t going to check the guide out. But, then I started to ask around and heard a few good things about how it had been helping players start to build their cafes up from nothing into relatively high efficiency restaurants – something that I had repeatedly failed to do with my own café.
After a day or two of waffling, I gave in and checked the guide out and boy am I ever glad I did. To be frank, the guide really does everything it claims to do – something I’ve never seen a guide do before. From start to finish, the Café World guide (which is the first of its kind that I’m aware of) shows players how to dig down and learn how to be one of the best players in the game.

It shows you how to pick your foods, how to develop a strategy for leveling that doesn’t waste any time, how to get new neighbors and how to get things done without ever needing to spend real world cash on the in-game money or having to fill out countless surveys to get it done.
In short, the Café World guide is a big giant blueprint that shows players how to go from level 1 to the top of the game in a streamlined path. It doesn’t give you step by step directions like other game guides because that’s not how these games work. Rather, it shows you how to cater your play style to your own schedule and do well with the time you have to invest.
When you can do that, even a part time player can be a top ranked Chef. Check it out now
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Monday, April 12, 2010
12-year-old runs up $1,300 FarmVille debt

A 12-year-old British boy racked up more than $1,300 on his mother's credit card so he could buy coins in the Facebook game FarmVille, the Guardian reports.
Now his mother is warning parents everywhere that social networking games aren't as harmless as they appear.
FarmVille is one of Facebook's most popular applications with 82.4 million users.
Users are given virtual coins to start a farm, and they can then trade in their crops for more coins.
But for the less patient users, FarmVille allows people to buy extra coins with real money.
Zynga, the makers of FarmVille, have refused to refund the cash because the boy lives in his mother's house.
Facebook has disabled his account because children under 13 aren't permitted on the social networking site.
The woman, who remains unnamed, blames her son for the situation, but thinks the social networking sites should be more responsible.
"I do think they need to shoulder some responsibility in this business and put systems in place to stop this happening again. The fact that he was using a card in a different name should bring up some sort of security and the online secure payment filter seems to be bypassed for Facebook payments,² she told the Guardian.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
FarmVille Addiction Can Get You Canned
You may want to think twice about rushing into 7-11 to buy more FarmVille virtual currency. In what may be the first incident of the Facebook game costing someone their job, a politician in Bulgaria was removed from a city council committee because of sinking excessive amounts of time into FarmVille during meetings.
According to FOX 61 in Tennessee, the councilman – Dimitar Kerin – defended his game play by pointing to the fact his colleagues were also playing, so much so that they had reached a higher level him. Apparently that argument didn’t hold weight with the majority of the counsel though, as Kerin was narrowly voted out by a margin of 20-19.
Kerin was reportedly warned about his behavior several times before his ouster. And while he might be the first FarmVille firing (on record), it points to the broader trend of social media misdeeds leading to problems at work. Last year, a study found that 8 percent of companies had dismissed employees as a result of their actions on social media sites.
Original Article Link

According to FOX 61 in Tennessee, the councilman – Dimitar Kerin – defended his game play by pointing to the fact his colleagues were also playing, so much so that they had reached a higher level him. Apparently that argument didn’t hold weight with the majority of the counsel though, as Kerin was narrowly voted out by a margin of 20-19.
Kerin was reportedly warned about his behavior several times before his ouster. And while he might be the first FarmVille firing (on record), it points to the broader trend of social media misdeeds leading to problems at work. Last year, a study found that 8 percent of companies had dismissed employees as a result of their actions on social media sites.
Original Article Link
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
FarmVille Facebook Strategy Guides
Are you tired of searching the web looking for the FarmVille cheats that will set your farm on fire in terms of success and popularity. I hate to be the one to break it to you but there is actually no such thing as a pure FarmVille cheat but what there are a number of strategies taken from FarmVille Strategy Guides that do make a huge difference.
FarmVille Strategy Guides Are A 100% Legal
Have you heard the story where some guy downloaded a trainer and next thing that he knew it someone had stole his account information, had his account canceled and ended up with a million and one viruses. The good news is that FarmVille Strategy Guides are 100% legal and will never put your account in jeopardy nor do you have to download anything. Using illegal hacks will cost you everything.
FarmVille Strategy Guide The Key To Success
FarmVille Strategy Guides are full of all sorts of information that will make your farm explode in every way possible and quickly too boot. From getting tons of neighbors in a matter of hours to watching your coins literally double every single night to how to make your product make you money and not lose it plus hundreds of other valuable pieces of information. FarmVille Secrets was created by the very top players in the game and every piece of advice has been tested to the limit to make sure that not only it works but if succeeds beyond your wildest dreams.
FarmVille Strategy Guides Saves You Money
How much of your time is spent searching for that elusive FarmVille cheat? How much of your time is spent filling out forms that border on the illegal only to be rewarded with very few coins? How much of your time do you spend taking care of your farm only to see your product waste and your FarmVille Facebook bank account dwindle. The key question here is how much is your time worth. I know that the price I have paid for a FarmVille Strategy Guides has allowed me to focus on playing the game and not wasting my time searching for help.

FarmVille Strategy Guides Are A 100% Legal
Have you heard the story where some guy downloaded a trainer and next thing that he knew it someone had stole his account information, had his account canceled and ended up with a million and one viruses. The good news is that FarmVille Strategy Guides are 100% legal and will never put your account in jeopardy nor do you have to download anything. Using illegal hacks will cost you everything.
FarmVille Strategy Guide The Key To Success
FarmVille Strategy Guides are full of all sorts of information that will make your farm explode in every way possible and quickly too boot. From getting tons of neighbors in a matter of hours to watching your coins literally double every single night to how to make your product make you money and not lose it plus hundreds of other valuable pieces of information. FarmVille Secrets was created by the very top players in the game and every piece of advice has been tested to the limit to make sure that not only it works but if succeeds beyond your wildest dreams.
FarmVille Strategy Guides Saves You Money
How much of your time is spent searching for that elusive FarmVille cheat? How much of your time is spent filling out forms that border on the illegal only to be rewarded with very few coins? How much of your time do you spend taking care of your farm only to see your product waste and your FarmVille Facebook bank account dwindle. The key question here is how much is your time worth. I know that the price I have paid for a FarmVille Strategy Guides has allowed me to focus on playing the game and not wasting my time searching for help.
FarmVille Facebook Cheats
This lens will provide a number of FarmVille Facebook cheats that are provided by the number one selling FarmVille Strategy Guide FarmVille secrets. The so called FarmVille cheats more closely resemble strategies than cheats or hacks but they still perform very well without putting your FarmVille account or computer at risk.
FarmVille Facebook Cheats - The Hay Bale Cheat
The FarmVille Facebook hay bale cheat is such an easy thing to pull off and it speeds up your game to a brand new level. All you have to do is layout three hay bales so they form a "C" shape and once this is accomplished lure your farmer is inside the newly formed formation close it off with a fourth hay bale. Now instead of having to wait for your farmer to go to different parts of the FarmVille farm the game will automatically speed over. Simple and effective that is the Hay Bale cheat.
FarmVille Facebook Cheats - Getting Ribbons Fast
A big part of the FarmVille experience on Facebook is collecting ribbons yet most people tend to do it the wrong way. The problem seems to be is that people try to multiple ribbons at the same time but this is the long way. What you need to do is concentrate on one ribbon at a time. While you are fulfilling the requirements for this ribbon at the same time you are picking up qualifications for a different ribbon. So once your first ribbon is done look to see which ribbon is almost completed and do what it takes to complete that ribbon. FarmVille Facebook provides with all of the information that you need. The big secret when it comes to getting ribbons is that the more neighbors that you have the easier it will be to gather ribbons.
FarmVille Facebook Cheats - How To Make Money Fast
In FarmVille on Facebook people have this urge to make these pretty farms that are attractive to neighbors and by doing so they are shooting themselves in the foot. What you plant should come down to two main factors (1) Speed (2) Profit. There are items that you can plant that have a huge pay day but they take forever to grow and on the other hand you have an item like strawberries that only take four hours to grow and pays out pretty well. Now what you need to keep in mind is that you have to be present when the item is ready to harvest or else the crop will spoil and you are going to lose money. The top FarmVille Facebook Strategy Guides will give you the inside tips to the best crops and the best strategy to use
Buy A FarmVille Secrets Strategy Guide
I was doing alright on my own, but I was getting more and more curious about what I might be missing out on. After I reached level 13 and was having a hard time getting farther, I decided to give one of the guides a shot. I bought FarmVille Secrets, a relatively new guide and pretty up to date on the latest additions to the game. I really wasn't expecting too much, but this guide just blew me away.
In no time, I was the Cream of the Crop, a level 24 farmer with a Big Family Farm and tons of neighbors to visit. Using the tips in this guide helped me way more than I thought they would - even when I read them. There's a lot more to this farming stuff than meets the eye. I'd recommend picking up a copy of FarmVille Secrets if you're interested in getting the most out of your FarmVille experience.

FarmVille Facebook Cheats - The Hay Bale Cheat
The FarmVille Facebook hay bale cheat is such an easy thing to pull off and it speeds up your game to a brand new level. All you have to do is layout three hay bales so they form a "C" shape and once this is accomplished lure your farmer is inside the newly formed formation close it off with a fourth hay bale. Now instead of having to wait for your farmer to go to different parts of the FarmVille farm the game will automatically speed over. Simple and effective that is the Hay Bale cheat.
FarmVille Facebook Cheats - Getting Ribbons Fast
A big part of the FarmVille experience on Facebook is collecting ribbons yet most people tend to do it the wrong way. The problem seems to be is that people try to multiple ribbons at the same time but this is the long way. What you need to do is concentrate on one ribbon at a time. While you are fulfilling the requirements for this ribbon at the same time you are picking up qualifications for a different ribbon. So once your first ribbon is done look to see which ribbon is almost completed and do what it takes to complete that ribbon. FarmVille Facebook provides with all of the information that you need. The big secret when it comes to getting ribbons is that the more neighbors that you have the easier it will be to gather ribbons.
FarmVille Facebook Cheats - How To Make Money Fast
In FarmVille on Facebook people have this urge to make these pretty farms that are attractive to neighbors and by doing so they are shooting themselves in the foot. What you plant should come down to two main factors (1) Speed (2) Profit. There are items that you can plant that have a huge pay day but they take forever to grow and on the other hand you have an item like strawberries that only take four hours to grow and pays out pretty well. Now what you need to keep in mind is that you have to be present when the item is ready to harvest or else the crop will spoil and you are going to lose money. The top FarmVille Facebook Strategy Guides will give you the inside tips to the best crops and the best strategy to use
Buy A FarmVille Secrets Strategy Guide
I was doing alright on my own, but I was getting more and more curious about what I might be missing out on. After I reached level 13 and was having a hard time getting farther, I decided to give one of the guides a shot. I bought FarmVille Secrets, a relatively new guide and pretty up to date on the latest additions to the game. I really wasn't expecting too much, but this guide just blew me away.
In no time, I was the Cream of the Crop, a level 24 farmer with a Big Family Farm and tons of neighbors to visit. Using the tips in this guide helped me way more than I thought they would - even when I read them. There's a lot more to this farming stuff than meets the eye. I'd recommend picking up a copy of FarmVille Secrets if you're interested in getting the most out of your FarmVille experience.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Welcome To Facebook FarmVille Cheats
Welcome To Facebook FarmVille Cheats
This lens is solely devoted to help you advance in the wonderful world of FarmVille with a few Facebook FarmVille cheats that will help your farm explode in a good way. All of the FarmVille Cheats in this lens will not get you banned from Facebook, will not get your FarmVille account canceled and will not send your computer a million and one viruses like the typical FarmVille hack.
FarmVille Cheats The Hay Bale Cheat
The FarmVille hay bale cheat is really simple to put into place and the best part is that it will speed up your game dramatically. What you want to do in order to put the hay bale cheat in effect is line up three hay bales in a way that leaves an open space. Get your FarmVille farmer to go into the space and quickly trap him in by placing a fourth hay bale. Now instead of having to wait for your farmer to travel to place to place on your FarmVille farm the game will no longer have to wait and run a heck of a lot faster plus your farmer still gains all of the experience points at the same time
Facebook FarmVille Cheats How To Make The Most Money In FarmVille
The key to making money on FarmVille is to keep track of what produces the fastest and at the same time costs the least amount of money. This is not about making your farm attractive but to make your farm profitable. For example, strawberries sell for 35 coins per plot of land harvested and they take 4 hours to grow. Pumpkins, on the other hand, take 8 hours to grow and sell for 68 coins per plot of land harvested. This is also going to come down to time management for example when life gets in the way of making money on FarmVille plant the Pumpkin if you know your going to be gone for eight hours as the last thing you want is your crop to rot which will cost you a ton of money.
FarmVille Cheats How To Get The Most Ribbons In FarmVille
Everyone wants the cheat for FarmVille ribbon but in the end there is no magic sequence of buttons just a few techniques that will work. The first thing to do is focus on a single ribbon at a time the good thing is while your focused on the single ribbon you will still be gaining on the requirements for other ribbons. Make sure you know what is the requirements for the ribbons, received too many emails by people asking how to get a ribbon when the information is available at the lower right corner of the screen. Neighbors are the key to getting ribbons very quickly so do what you can do to get as many as possible or check out FarmVille Secrets for an amazing way to explode your neighbor population
FarmVille Secrets Strategy Guide
So I finally broke down and bought FarmVille Secrets. This guide has been released pretty recently, so it's up to date on all of the latest advances in the game. I found it to be immensely helpful to me, and I was quickly raking in the coins and moving up in levels like you wouldn't believe.
In addition to the helpful tips, FarmVille Secrets also includes some handy charts and other resources that help you to compare items available in the Market and also helps you to plan out your spending and improvement strategies. I think you'll be as pleasantly surprised as I was when you read this guide and put the tips in it to use on your farm. I started to see results overnight almost. It's definitely a guide worth checking out if you're having trouble getting the hang of FarmVille, or if you just want to give your game an extra boost. Either way, you'll be happy you tried it

This lens is solely devoted to help you advance in the wonderful world of FarmVille with a few Facebook FarmVille cheats that will help your farm explode in a good way. All of the FarmVille Cheats in this lens will not get you banned from Facebook, will not get your FarmVille account canceled and will not send your computer a million and one viruses like the typical FarmVille hack.
FarmVille Cheats The Hay Bale Cheat
The FarmVille hay bale cheat is really simple to put into place and the best part is that it will speed up your game dramatically. What you want to do in order to put the hay bale cheat in effect is line up three hay bales in a way that leaves an open space. Get your FarmVille farmer to go into the space and quickly trap him in by placing a fourth hay bale. Now instead of having to wait for your farmer to travel to place to place on your FarmVille farm the game will no longer have to wait and run a heck of a lot faster plus your farmer still gains all of the experience points at the same time
Facebook FarmVille Cheats How To Make The Most Money In FarmVille
The key to making money on FarmVille is to keep track of what produces the fastest and at the same time costs the least amount of money. This is not about making your farm attractive but to make your farm profitable. For example, strawberries sell for 35 coins per plot of land harvested and they take 4 hours to grow. Pumpkins, on the other hand, take 8 hours to grow and sell for 68 coins per plot of land harvested. This is also going to come down to time management for example when life gets in the way of making money on FarmVille plant the Pumpkin if you know your going to be gone for eight hours as the last thing you want is your crop to rot which will cost you a ton of money.
FarmVille Cheats How To Get The Most Ribbons In FarmVille
Everyone wants the cheat for FarmVille ribbon but in the end there is no magic sequence of buttons just a few techniques that will work. The first thing to do is focus on a single ribbon at a time the good thing is while your focused on the single ribbon you will still be gaining on the requirements for other ribbons. Make sure you know what is the requirements for the ribbons, received too many emails by people asking how to get a ribbon when the information is available at the lower right corner of the screen. Neighbors are the key to getting ribbons very quickly so do what you can do to get as many as possible or check out FarmVille Secrets for an amazing way to explode your neighbor population
FarmVille Secrets Strategy Guide
So I finally broke down and bought FarmVille Secrets. This guide has been released pretty recently, so it's up to date on all of the latest advances in the game. I found it to be immensely helpful to me, and I was quickly raking in the coins and moving up in levels like you wouldn't believe.
In addition to the helpful tips, FarmVille Secrets also includes some handy charts and other resources that help you to compare items available in the Market and also helps you to plan out your spending and improvement strategies. I think you'll be as pleasantly surprised as I was when you read this guide and put the tips in it to use on your farm. I started to see results overnight almost. It's definitely a guide worth checking out if you're having trouble getting the hang of FarmVille, or if you just want to give your game an extra boost. Either way, you'll be happy you tried it
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Free FarmVille Money Report Bonus

This add-on alone has easily made me more than 580 Farm Cash in 3 days! Don't let anyone tell you that earning Farm Cash points is a slow and painful process!
For a long time, I kept this secret very closely guarded. This technique was known only to me and I refused to share it with anyone. But then, when people found out that my Farm Cash was incredibly high, they kept asking me. Morning and night, days became weeks became months. I want to be left alone, so finally, I gave in and have decided to share this secret with you...
These techniques and strategies are so deadly simple- but they continue to work day after day, week after week. Your competition won't know what hit them when you put this into action. (You can use this even at level 1 starting with just a handful of coins)
Get Your Copy Of FarmVille Secrets AND The Free FarmVille Cash Report
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